San Pedro, CA -- All the Red Cars are gone from LA accept a few remaining replicas like this one in San Pedro near Los Angeles Harbor. The last of the electric rail cars became obsolete in the early 1960s to make way for the more "stylish" automobile. Thanks, "
Big Three."
Make way for more
electric in the future. Keep your eyes and ears open for
Tesla Motors. They plan on building their cars here in Los Angeles in the next year or two. Imagine that!
Looks like it has driven out of another era. Tesla's electric cars could be interesting though - is the name related to the inventor Nikola Tesla? I only ever heard about him because Jack White of the White Stripes was a fan... You learn a lot from rock'n'roll!
Actually, Tesla Motors was founded by West and Forrest North. These days you never know what celebrity might be involved in "main street" businesses.
I'm surprised to learn they were used up until the early 60's. Do you know the local of the last line running was?
Long Beach line from 6th and Main continued until 1961. Interestingly enough, the current Blue Line uses the same route today as they did before 1961. BTW, I changed "relic" to "replica" in my post.
I really like the desaturated color in this photograph.
I love the shot, JT. I've tried to make my poor old Altima last until they came out with an electric car I could afford, but alas, it's not to be.
I love the idea of those cars coming into town!!! Would love that! They are so charming.
Looks like a trip back in time.
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